GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (CNBNewsnet)–It’s Girl Scout Cookie time again! Which flavor will you be ordering? Maybe more than one flavor? It seems that different states/areas of the country like different flavors; in some cases, not all tastes are sold in all areas. Recently, a gluten-free cookie was added – Toffee-tastic. This year another new cookie will be added. It is Raspberry and is supposed to be a “sister cookie” to Thin Mints. Can anything measure up to Thin Mints?

Here is the list of cookie flavors. Your challenge is to put them in order of popularity. Remember, not all cookies are sold in all parts of the country. So, your favorite might not be available in Florida or California. Here they are:
Thin Mints S’mores Samoa’s Peanut butter Toffee-tastic Lemonade
Peanut butter Sandwiches Lemon-Ups
The answers are below: