GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (January 23, 2023)(CNBNewsnet)–The Gloucester City mayor and council monthly meeting will be held on Monday, January 23 at 7 PM in council chambers, 313 Monmouth Street. Scheduled on the agenda Monday evening is an ordinance on first reading amending the Gloucester City Land Development law to provide for a Cannabis Establishment as a continually permitted use overlay zone. The public hearing and second reading for that ordinance will be held on Thursday, February 23. According to municipal clerk Vanessa Little, a full copy of that new ordinance has not been released yet, as the city solicitor is still working on it. We will update this article once the entire ordinance is released to CNBNews. Besides that ordinance, 12 resolutions are up for passage. Payment of monthly bills totaling $2,175,482 is expected to be approved.