Potential Applicants:

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The Camden County Association of Chiefs of Police has partnered with Policeapp to provide regionalized testing for possible available police positions in Camden County over the next 12 months. All participating agencies will have access to the test results to improve their application pool for Class I, Class II, Class III, and full-time positions.
Due to recent legislation, there is a waiver of exam for Civil Service Departments that opted-in; however, it DOES NOT take the place of a civil service test for civil service jurisdictions, as it pertains to entry-level law enforcement positions if the jurisdiction did not opt-in to the recent legislation.
Use the link below to sign up for the test, or if you know anyone interested, share the link with them to sign up for the test.
The test date will be Saturday, February 18, 2023, at Eastern High School in the morning hours.
Again, use the below-listed link to register for the test.
NOTE: This exam is NOT for alternate route testing.